RISC-V Labs Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Effective Date: Dec 1, 2023 onwards.

1. RISC-V labs users

RISC-V labs users refer to any user individual who satisfies the following conditions:

  1. A user who is a current member of RISC-V International ( link )

  2. A user who has an open-source public repository, with an open-source license

Cloud-V always privileges the RISC-V lab user community where possible in terms of its use of resources. These privileges may or may not include sandboxing/SSH use of the compute instances. 

The following privileges are available to RISC-V lab users free of charge who have all their data interacting with Cloud-V, directly or indirectly available ONLY to RISC-V lab users:

  1. 20 RISC-V cores will be provided for overall use, with Cloud-V retaining exclusive rights to assign resources for fair use

    10 real physical boards will be provided for overall use, with Cloud-V retaining exclusive rights to assign resources for fair use

  2. Each RISC-V lab user repository can be provided with 1 free CI/CD pipeline

  3. Each RISC-V lab user repository can be provided with single hardware OR single emulated computed instances

  4. RISC-V lab user organizations/individuals can request whether they want to use emulated OR hardware compute instances. 

  5. Based on whether or not the desired requirements of RISC-V lab user organizations/individuals are available in that instance, the Cloud-V team provides them with a compute instance that they think is suitable for them.

  6. The rules in the “Compute instance Usage” will be applied to the RISC-V labs users here

  7. All RISC-V labs users can get the necessary support from the Cloud-V team to use the platform; which includes free one-time setup support while onboarding them, and solving problems native to the environment in which they work. 

2. Compute Instance Services

2.1. Continuous Integration (CI) Service

  1. RISC-V labs users interacting with Cloud-V through the dashboard located at this link dash.cloud-v.co can use compute instances based on their availability.

  2. If, at a given instance of time, more RISC-V labs users are trying to access a given compute resource than the computing capacity of the resource then resource usage will be provided on a first-come-first-served basis unless otherwise specified.

  3. If a user does not require a specific resource, then the Cloud-V team has the authority to change the resource in which the CI runs for them to ensure efficient resource performance.

2.2. Sandboxing/SSH Access Service

  1. TBD. It's not available for now.

3. Compute Instance Capacity

  1. While working on Cloud-V, compute instance(s) are allotted to the user out of all the compute instances which are specified in the documentation page located at this link https://10x-engineers.github.io/riscv-ci-partners/runner_specs/

  2. This list is subject to change without a prior notification to the RISC-V labs users about the added compute instance so the RISC-V labs users must keep up to date with the information as much as possible.

  3. The Cloud-V team can add/remove compute instances to the cloud environment without prior notice.

  4. RISC-V labs users can only run their jobs on the assigned runners.

4. User Support Services

All users can get the necessary support from the Cloud-V team to use the platform

4.1 User Support Categories:

  1. Open Source Users

  2. Standard User (paid)

  3. Premium Users (paid)

4.2 While interacting with Cloud-V: 

  1. All users will receive one-time free setup support for the first 10 days called “Onboarding”

  2. RISC-V labs users will get free support for the first 10 days during the “Onboarding” but will be eligible for more support on a case-by-case basis which is decided by Cloud-V’s discretion

  3. Standard Users and premium Users will be charged for support instances after the onboarding period of 10 days has ended.

  4. Support tickets are currently generated through an email to cloud-v@10xengineers.ai and may take up to 24 hours to respond. Premium Users will be given priority and may take much less time for a response.

5. Storage use

  1. Cloud-V is not a data storage server/platform which means RISC-V labs users cannot store data on the platform and expect it to be there forever. 

  2. RISC-V labs users can request their build data to be provided to them. 

  3. Cloud-V may wipe any data as it sees fit.

  4. RISC-V labs users may or may not be informed about the clearance of data.

6. Modifications to Terms

Cloud-V reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time. Changes will become effective upon posting. Continued use of Cloud-V after changes to the Terms indicates acceptance of the modified Terms.