Benchmarking RISC-V SBC with SPEC CPU2017(Single Core/fprate)
By Ali Tariq | March 29, 2024

By now I have already uploaded SPEC-2017 benchmark results with multicore settings on ARM, RISC-V, and x86 compute instances. On this page, you will find results for SPEC-2017 fprate benchmarks with multicore settings on x86, ARM, and RISC-V compute instances. If you need to know the basic structure of the test, refer to this link in which I have described how SPEC divides its benchmarks and what are some of its settings.

Execution of test

Error encountered

The errors encountered in this benchmark run are same which I encountered while running test for multicore settings. They are as follows.

  • fprate peak is not run in this benchmark. The reason is that, I encountered a segmentation fault while running the benchmark on RISC-V compute instances. So I skipped it.
  • The test ran successfully on Visionfive2, raspberry pi, and intel i7-6500U. But when running it on VisionFive 1, I was getting the following error:
*** Miscompare of spec_test.out; for details see
0092: INFO (PUGH): Size: 42 42 42

To solve this error, I had to edit two files. $SPEC_DIR/benchspec/CPU/507.cactuBSSN_r/data/refrate/output/spec_ref.out and $SPEC_DIR/benchspec/CPU/507.cactuBSSN_r/data/test/output/spec_test.out. I changed line 92 of both of these files to match the output result file. After modifying them, the result was successful.

Execution Command

The command used for the execution of the test is given below:

./bin/runcpu --threads=1 --copies=1 --config="$PATH_OF_CONFIG_FILE" SPECrate_fp_base --reportable


Individual test Results

StarFive VisionFive v1

The individual test results of StarFive VisionFive v1 are as follows:

StarFive VisionFive v2

The individual test results of StarFive VisionFive v2 are as follows:

Raspberry 4 Model B

The individual test results of Raspberry 4 Model B are as follows:

Intel i7-6500U

The individual test results of Intel i7-6500U are as follows:

Final Score

The results of the compute instances of specrate for base rules are as follows:

StarFive Visionfive v1: 0.19501
StarFive VisionFive v2: 0.425172
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B: 1.206103
Intel i7-6500U: 4.929008​

Benchmarking RISC-V SBC with SPEC CPU2017(Single Core/fprate)
Cloud-V 29 March, 2024
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Benchmarking RISC-V SBC with SPEC CPU2017(Multi Core/fprate)
By Ali Tariq | March 25, 2024